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Bücher Kostenlos Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)

Bücher Kostenlos Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)

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Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)

Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)

Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)

Bücher Kostenlos Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)

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Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies)


"The whole task is carried out with exemplary clarity and charm ...There is no more recommendable anthology of Restoration plays available today". Notes and Queries "The page layout is attractively and thoughtfully designed, avoiding, for instance, frequent run--overs of lines in verse passages. Students exploring this collection will be presented with a wealth of fascinating and innovative writing in reliable editions, and the richest sampling of the post--1660 drama currently available in a single volume." The Review of English Studies "David Womersleya s Restoration Drama is easily the most comprehensive anthology available to date. Each of Womersleya s introductions to the plays are wonderfully compact mini--guides to the plays, providing information on the author, the sources, the context and stage--history, and pointing out some of the complexities raised by the work. The explanatory notes, though kept to a minimum, are relevant and helpful. What distinuguishes the present collection from its predecessors is the editora s attempt to do justice to the multifarious nature of Restoration drama. All in all ... this is a most valuable (and moderately priced) collection, which is likely to supersede classroom texts currently used. Future editors and publishers of Restoration plays would do students and scholars a true favour by following Womersleya s and Blackwella s lead in striking out in new directions and opening up for further study the full panorama of Restoration drama." English Studies


This exciting new anthology captures the variety and richness of Restoration Drama. It provides annotated and judiciously modernized texts of the following plays: "Tuke, The Adventures of Five Hours" (1662); "Howard, The Duke of Lerma" (1668); "Dryden, The Conquest of Granada" (1670); "Buckingman, The Rehearsal" (1671); "Wycherley, The Country Wife" (1675); "Wycherley, The Plain Dealer" (1676); "Etherege, The Man of Mode" (1676); 'Behn, The Rover" (1677); "Dryden, All for Love" (1677); "Lee, Lucius Junicus Brutus" (1680); "Otway, Venice Preserved" (1682); "Congreve, Love for Love" (1695); "Cibber, Love's Last Shift" (1696); "Vanburgh, The Relapse" (1696); "Congreve, The Way of the World" (1700); "Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer" (1706); "Farquhar, The Beaux Stratagem" (1707); and, "Centlivre, The Busie Body" (1709).The volume offers a representative sampling of many of the different types of play put on in the period (sex comedy, moral comedy, heroic drama, Shakespearean adaptation and political history).At the same time, the even distribution of the plays throughout the period encourages students to reflect on the development of the drama over the full fifty years covered by the anthology. It includes plays by both men and women, as well as dramatic ripostes such as "The Rehearsal" and "The Relapse", which evoke so vividly the adversarial and dialectical world of the theater in the second half of the seventeenth century.

Alle Produktbeschreibungen


Taschenbuch: 840 Seiten

Verlag: Blackwell Publishers (14. Januar 2000)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0631209034

ISBN-13: 978-0631209034

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

17,3 x 4,5 x 24,7 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 103.138 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

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Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies) PDF

Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies) PDF
Restoration Drama: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies) PDF

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